Updates on Site are mentioned here. Such as on Forums www.flash.to/gfcf, on Store Site www.gfc.pixeltees.com, and on Parent Site www.flash.to/gfc
Published on February 12, 2004 By GFC In Business
Hello everyone,

As many of you know GFC is a small community. Today I have created a site for our store in order to help us expand. I have also created a blog, or site with news, updates, and much more. The links are as follows:

GFC Shop:

GFC Blog:

Make sure to check it out if and whenever you have time available. You can personalize shirts by emailing me and telling me what you want on the shirt etc.

If you are Staff of GFC or GFCF make sure to tell me you want a shirt in email and also what you want on the back (no pictures, 3 lines of text Max unless it is a bible verse or printed in small text.)

Chris Dawson
God's Followers Community

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