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Somewhat like a Journal
Published on February 12, 2004 By GFC In Business
Hello everyone,

I have been building a Weblog online and would love for you to check it out.
Just click on the link below to pay me a visit!


Yeah also check out this site...


I will try to update the xanga site daily. Feeling that this will be an
important tool for our connection as a whole congregation. I want all of you
out there to be able to keep in touch with what is going on with GFC and RVR
and the Hanlon issues so other then viewing the site, you can view entrys
(like Journal Entry's) on what I feel is going on and so forth. I will also
include information on recent news events and my feelings about issues. I
will even include reviews and articles I have written, etc. You can also
here the GFC Rap song that I just wrote recently. It is still being worked
on...yet I have a beta version or preview song. It will play in the

Chris Dawson
God's Followers Community

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