Updates on Site are mentioned here. Such as on Forums www.flash.to/gfcf, on Store Site www.gfc.pixeltees.com, and on Parent Site www.flash.to/gfc
GFC's Articles In Business
February 12, 2004 by GFC
Hello everyone, As many of you know GFC is a small community. Today I have created a site for our store in order to help us expand. I have also created a blog, or site with news, updates, and much more. The links are as follows: GFC Shop: www.gfc.pixeltees.com GFC Blog: www.gfc.joeuser.com Make sure to check it out if and whenever you have time available. You can personalize shirts by emailing me and telling me what you want on the shirt etc. If you are Staff of GFC or GFCF mak...
February 12, 2004 by GFC
Hello everyone, I have been building a Weblog online and would love for you to check it out. Just click on the link below to pay me a visit! www.xanga.com/mastergfc and www.xanga.com/gfcmaster Yeah also check out this site... www.flash.to/gfcf! I will try to update the xanga site daily. Feeling that this will be an important tool for our connection as a whole congregation. I want all of you out there to be able to keep in touch with what is going on with GFC and RVR and th...